World of Warcraft Mining: Finding Nodes Fast And Selling Ore The Right Way As I said in previous articles, if you want to make gold in world of warcraft, mining is one of the best professions to start off with. Here are some more WoW mining tips.Once you decide what ore to mine you then need to go to where you are going
cheap wow gold to farm it from. Take a look at the geography and make sure to look for the high ground such as hills and mountains. There is a reason for this.
It is on the mountainous and hilly areas that you will find the WoW mining nodes. It is very rare to find them elsewhere, especially flat or prairie areas. Explore around these areas and decide on an efficient route, once you do this get an addon called Gatherer, this addon lets you track items you gather in the course of your mining route, I'm thinking you can guess the value of this World of Warcraft mining addon. Also consider getting GathererDB, it provides you with all the information currently in the WoWhead database showing all known locations of herbs, minerals, and treasure, again, I'm sure you can see the value in this. Ok, now once you start on your route keep an eye out for little yellow dots on your mini-map, these are the mining nodes, go hammer them out of the ground. Keep doing this until your bags are full.
Now that your bags are full you run straight to the Auction
world of warcraft gold House and put it all up for sale right? Not so fast, this is where a good plan comes into play. Remember, mining in World of Warcraft is more effective if you have a plan of attack.At times the ore you farmed may be inflated (selling higher) or deflated (selling for less). To get this info you want to get the Auctioneer add-on, this will record prices and track pricing trends. The strategy then becomes to sell whatever ore you have on hand at the right time to maximize profit.
related reading, for more information plz visit: