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Final Fantasy XIV is set in the world of Vana'diel. Vana'diel is a fantastic world that is home to a number of civilizations. The game takes place in the aftermath of the Crystal War, a battle where the five main races fought with the Beastmen, a collection of hostile creatures who wanted to destroy them. The story of the game sees the Beastmen return and stir up further conflict. It is up to your character to face them and defeat them. About buy ffxi gil
Vana'diel consists of two main continents, Mindartia and Quon. It is further divided into a number of regions, all with their own climate and features. There are cities, towns, forests, ports and wasteland areas. Final Fantasy XIV allows you to choose from one of three places as your starting point. You can be a citizen of the nations Bastok, San d'Oria or Windurst. Each nation is unique and has its own history and population. In the course of the game you are able to visit other nations and explore them.
Final Fantasy XIV contains a great deal to do and is a very engaging game. The world of Vana'diel is immense and there is much to explore and see. There are missions and quests to go on and there are a number of storylines running through the game. There is also an element of teamwork. It is often necessary to join a group of players and work together to defeat enemies and opponents. In general the gameplay is multi-layered and enthralling. About buy ffxiv gil cheap
Final Fantasy XIV has a well-designed control system that works as a perfect complement to the game. It is best experienced with a keyboard, which allows you to chat with other players. The game controls are logical and it does not take long to grasp the various functions and commands. The game camera works nicely and is easy to handle, allowing you to view the world of Vana'diel as you please. The entire system is great and really strengthens the whole experience.
Final Fantasy XIV is a joy to play. A newcomer to the game will be pleased with it and will have no difficulty getting set up and started. It is ideal for anyone who is looking for an interesting and rewarding game.